Against All Odds (AKA Bunny Movie)

Against All Odds (AKA Bunny Movie)

Whispering Oaks Arabians
Arabian Sport Horse Network
Against All Odds: the Heart of a Horse
click on images to enlarge
Bunny in his Sling
Bunny in his Sling
Bunny Watching Video
Russian Arabian Sporthorse Stallion
Sire TLA Halynov
Bunny Watches Sling Video
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The Initial Injury This is the true story of the son of TLA Halynov, Scimitar or “Bunny,” as he was nicknamed, due to his biting off part of his lip during the injury, making his face look “bunny-like.” He was running in pasture one night and ran into a branch, driving a 3 inch stick into his head, narrowly missing his brain. He was down for 4 months and a myriad of healing techniques were used to prevent pneumonia and infection. For the full heartwarming, inspiring story, go to this Page for the heart-wrenching story, as told by Bette, by emails to and from Ridecamp, the international email group.

Bunny is Attached to the Anderson Sling

With the help of Roberta Lieberman and Linda Tellingon-Jones and their T-touch techniques, and much advice from Ridecamp followers, Bunny was able to survive the 4 months of being down. Once he was physically able to be upright, the difficult process of getting him back on his feet was accomplished with the use of the Anderson Sling, which was generously supplied by Alamo Pintado hospital. Many modalities were used to facilitate his recovery including the Alphasonic infrasound device, T-touch, Reikki, and medications for his decubitus ulcers, (pressure sores).

Arduous Rehabilitation Begins

Bunny’s journey from his initial injury through an arduous and painful rehabilitation was reported in many horse magazines, discussed in horse chat rooms, and followed by horse enthusiasts around the globe. Although video taken of him was originally intended only for family and vets, fans of Bunny requested that the story of this horse’s refusal to give up be made into a film. Aired on Dish Network and DirecTV, his tale of courage has touched and inspired many, who have challenges of their own. If you wish to have a copy of the movie made from impromptu footage of Bunny’s journey, see below. We are asking a donation for the DVD to help defray the cost of making the DVD and mailing. Contact us for more information.
"Bunny is a two year old Arabian colt who suffered major injuries when he mistakenly galloped into a tree in his pasture, driving a three inch stick into his head. As a result of the head injury, he was unable to stand or walk after the accident.Filmed and narrated by his owner, Bette Lamore, this is the incredible two year-long saga of the spirit and heart of the young horse who refused to give up, and the love and dedication of a small handful of caring horse people on the central coast of California and posters on an international chat room.Featuring music by Michael McDonald, this is a inspiring story of faith, courage, and devotion to a very special horse with an amazing will to live. This is one incredible story!"  HorseTV Media Group  Here is what one network broadcast executive wrote:
An Excerpt from Against All Odds The Heart of a Horse
To purchase the DVD Against All Odds go to Thumbs Up Production
The original posts sent to and from Ridecamp can be read on this page.
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Against All Odds (AKA Bunny Movie)

Documentary about our Horse
click on images to enlarge
Bunny in his Sling
Bunny in his Sling
Bunny Watching Video
Russian Arabian Sporthorse Stallion Bunny Watches Sling Video
Free Sitemap Generator
Click on logo to email us.
The Initial Injury This is the true story of the son of TLA Halynov, Scimitar or “Bunny,” as he was nicknamed, due to his biting off part of his lip during the injury, making his face look “bunny-like.” He was running in pasture one night and ran into a branch, driving a 3 inch stick into his head, narrowly missing his brain. He was down for 4 months and a myriad of healing techniques were used to prevent pneumonia and infection. For the full heartwarming, inspiring story, go to this Page for the heart-wrenching story, as told by Bette, by emails to and from Ridecamp, the international email group.

Arduous Rehabilitation Begins

Bunny’s journey from his initial injury through an arduous and painful rehabilitation was reported in many horse magazines, discussed in horse chat rooms, and followed by horse enthusiasts around the globe. Although video taken of him was originally intended only for family and vets, fans of Bunny requested that the story of this horse’s refusal to give up be made into a film. Aired on Dish Network and DirecTV, his tale of courage has touched and inspired many, who have challenges of their own. If you wish to have a copy of the movie made from impromptu footage of Bunny’s journey, see below. We are asking a donation for the DVD to help defray the cost of making the DVD and mailing. Contact us for more information.
"Bunny is a two year old Arabian colt who suffered major injuries when he mistakenly galloped into a tree in his pasture, driving a three inch stick into his head. As a result of the head injury, he was unable to stand or walk after the accident.Filmed and narrated by his owner, Bette Lamore, this is the incredible two year- long saga of the spirit and heart of the young horse who refused to give up, and the love and dedication of a small handful of caring horse people on the central coast of California and posters on an international chat room. Featuring music by Michael McDonald, this is a inspiring story of faith, courage, and devotion to a very special horse with an amazing will to live. This is one incredible story!" HorseTV Media Group

Here is what one network broadcast executive wrote:

An Excerpt from Against All Odds The Heart of a Horse
Whispering Oaks Arabians
Arabian Sport Horse Network
To purchase the DVD Against All Odds go to Thumbs Up Production
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